
Como os pingüins me ajudaram a entender a política (2)

Dear people who get this important e-mail,
As many of you know, I delivered the closing Benediction at the Democratic National Convention on opening night. It was quite an experience and I will share more with you on my new blog at www.donmilleris.com.

First, though, I want to share with you a correspondence that has taken place between myself and Senator Obama. People have asked whether I know the Senator and whether weve met. Barack Obama and I have had an ongoing e-mail correspondence for several months, the bulk of which I have posted as a first entry to my blog.
colaboração: Carlo Carrenho / Ricardo Oliveira

2 comentários:

Fernando Segredo disse...

Halo Solar em são paulo!!!


Anônimo disse...

Resta esperar para saber quem vai orar na convenção dos republicanos. Será que vai pedir mais poder letal para as tropas que invadiram o Iraque?

Se convidarem a Norma Braga ou o Augusto Nicodemus, eles vão.

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